Saturday, July 20, 2024

THIS Is Promising..........Not!

 National Pulse notices the rat in the woodpile.


Britain’s new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, is refusing to apologize for calling former President Donald J. Trump a “neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath” and “tyrant.” He argues, “You’re going to struggle to find any politician who has not had things to say about Donald Trump in his first term, particularly on Twitter.”...

The damn fool crab-walked recently.

 ...Lammy then completely reversed his past characterization of Trump, whom he has directly compared to Adolf Hitler, admitting, “There is a lot of rhetoric, but look at the action. He was the first to give Javelins to Ukraine after 2015. He talked about withdrawing from NATO; he actually increased troops to NATO.”

But he had more to say in the past.

Lammy, who pushed far-left identity politics for years in opposition, has also charged Trump with “grotesque racism” and branded him a “wannabe despot” and a “racist KKK and Nazi sympathizer. ” He derided Trump’s supporters as a “cult of white supremacists.”...

Yet he expects the upcoming Trump regime (and its citizen/taxpayers) to cover Britain's ass after they get whomped in Ukraine by Putin's forces.

Sure hope that damn fool knows how to use an Enfield, because the US should take back all the AR's we sent.

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