Monday, July 15, 2024

The Whitmer Fake, Again

Most observers know that Gretchen Whitmer lusts after the Presidency.  To help her get there, the FBI arranged for a "kidnap & kill" plot, and as usual, the FBI managed to "uncover" the plot that they themselves created.

... Not only were half the men charged acquitted at trial—the first federal trial did not produce a SINGLE CONVICTION against 4 men amid the FBI entrapment defense—the five trial convictions are on appeal.

During oral arguments in May for the 2 men convicted at a 2nd federal trial, an appellate panel sounded poised to vacate their convictions and demand a 3rd trial.

The panel took the rare step of asking DOJ and defense to submit additional briefs to explain whether the fact the trial judge refused to enter into evidence hundred of communication btw FBI handlers and informants to show the jury how involved the FBI was in stitching the group and the plan together harmed the defendants....

Stretchin' Gretchen gets love and adulation from the press (you cannot hate them enough) and the droolers who watch MS-NBC and/or MadCow the Rachel.

Road to the Presidency!!

1 comment:

  1. In Michigan they called her "Wretched Gretchen"

    Truly a person in a very unhappy or unfortunate state...

    I heard her husband try to chew his leg off, but failed to get away....
