Tuesday, July 02, 2024

POTUS Can Kill You Off?

The hair-on-fire Liar's Club bunch reacts to the SCOTUS immunity decision.

Extremist elements of the left have essentially argued that the president can now order the assassination of Americans...

Precisely what Obama did

Well, not really.  The 16-y-o killed was collateral damage.

But somehow, Marc Elias et.al. missed that thing about Obama.  Huh.

1 comment:

  1. The left always projected what they’re going to do

    Bad news in Europe
    It seems like the “ugly American “

    ( that color revolution loving miserable Zionist Jewish bitch and you know who I am talking about)has once again decided to kill off an excellent leader in Europe.

    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is an Anti-Jab, Anti-War Populist was Shot yesterday.

    Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot on Wednesday. Since taking office, he's been despised by the international order responsible for the Covid bioweapon sham and the budding war with Russia.
