Thursday, July 25, 2024

MKE Teachers' Union Spreads Crapola Over Recall

Since the Milwaukee Teachers' Union owns several of the MPS board members, and those board members are likely to be recalled, the Teachers' Union is spreading Beee Essss.

And, of course, the totally manipulated "news" dutifully reports their slanders, calling them "ethics questions."

The reporter from Channel 12 was put in her place:

...WISN 12 News obtained the campaign finance reports the group submitted to the state, which includes the mailing address for a mailbox in Bayside. There's documentation for donations of food and drinks for volunteers, but no documentation of the amount of money paid to canvassers.

"The voters of Milwaukee deserve to know who is actually funding those canvassers," Walker Henry said.  [Henry is President of Da Yooonion of Featherbedders Teachers]

In a news release, MPS School Board Recall Collaborative detailed paid canvassing work that started last week.

"Our deepest gratitude goes to all our committed volunteers and those who signed up for paid canvassing work, which started this past Saturday, July 19th, at both Brady Fest and Garfield's Day," The MPS School Board Recall Collaborative said.

At a Wednesday news conference at Gordon Park, WISN 12 News reporter Kendall Keys asked leaders of the group about the paid canvassers.

"Why are those payments not included in your campaign finance reports?" Keys asked.

"Nothing is being paid by us," Nicole Johnson said.

"But it's through the campaign. Typically you would have to report that," Keys said.

"Because they haven't been paid," Johnson said.

Leaders of the group went on to say canvassers would eventually be paid by "anonymous donors" when the group verifies the signatures collected.

"Once we have monies that are given to us, that information will be on the financial reports," Johnson said....

Oh.  Well.  Doh!

See, Ms. Keys, campaign finance reports are on a "cash basis."  If money comes in it is reported.  If money goes out, it is reported.  Your Yooooonion Stooge manipulated you but good.

Learn from it!! 

But Keys wasn't the only one.  Adam Rife (the coat-collar guy) also got sucked in.  But his reporting is far more misleading.  Rife is not stupid; he knows exactly why he's playing it the way he does.

...The group has donors, but they insist they don't know who they are, how they got connected, or even who may have answers to those questions....

They don't know because they haven't received any checks, Adam.

 ... their efforts require them to follow state laws that some people claim they are now breaking....

Yah well, Adam, I think you break the law with the stupid way you turn up your coat collar.  Does that mean you ARE breaking the law?  Nope.  But you have masters; I get it.

 ...The group's state-required campaign finance disclosures are incomplete and do not list money received other than minor food, website, and printing expenses.

Missy Zombor -one of the targeted board members- filed an ethics complaint citing seven violations, including incomplete reports....

If they did not GET any cash or checks, they cannot REPORT any cash or checks, Adam.

Notice how Coat-Collar Adam assumes that the Yoooonion Stooge Board member's complaint is a valid predicate for his accusations?  Not even smooth, AdamYou need a lot more practice before you get to a major market.

But all this is really just a Squirrel!!!!! distraction from the real problem:  the MPS Board knew about the $80++ million dollar problem; they knew that the reports were long overdue; and they also knew that the District's "education performance" has sucked for the last 20 years or so.  Despite all that, they pushed through a $250 MILLION referendum.

Think they should still be in office, collecting paychecks and approving whatever Da Yooonion wants?

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