Thursday, July 25, 2024

Make Nice? Or Scorched Earth?

This is part of a post describing how to treat the Left.  The post is a response to a "make nice" request from another Right-oriented guy.

The author is Sam Hyde.  Some phrases and words have been deleted, but the meaning remains.

...These people have spent the past DECADE proving that they are irredeemably UGLY inside, and they won’t relent until they can make you feel some semblance of the pain and bitterness they feel every day towards God....

The only time they care about rules, civility, unity, etc., is when those things can be used to HANDCUFF you while your kids are transed and your money is stolen to pay for some fag war or some group of people that hates you and is replacing you....

So far, he's right.

... Their moral lassitude is the reason why American cities are unlivable. Their virtue signalling comes at the expense of child abuse, medical malpractice, and a couple hundred thousand dead Ukrainians. They will ALWAYS play dirty no matter how much we play fair. They need to be politically disenfranchised, publicly shamed...

"Electric shock therapy" might be over the top in some cases, Sam.  That's why I deleted it.

 ...These are not people who think critically from first principles, they are THE mob you speak of. They are mob mentality incarnate—that is why they are called normies, NPCs, and the like. The idea of them exercising “free speech” is a joke, because the only thing loaded into their software is CNN talking points....

And yes, we're wearing the Trump Resurgent!! tee shirt, but not when representing an employer.

1 comment:

  1. Im Okay with over the top
    yet I have to obey Jesus

    Love Jesus or not
    Black or White

    ....But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you....
    [Matthew 5:44]
