Friday, July 19, 2024

Famiglia? Nah!

The numbers are actually shocking.

...a recent Pew survey made news last week when it revealed that the political divide over having a family is not just real — it’s spectacular. It’s enormous. There is a full 40-point difference between the two sides on this issue!

The percent of Trump supporters who say society is “better off if people make marriage and having children a priority is 59%, compared to 19% of Biden voters.” Just 19 percent! ...

There are two obstacles to Totalitarian rule:  the family, and the Church.  

Let's go a bit deeper here.

....that 19 percent means liberalism is working as intended. It’s the result of years of mass indoctrination through K-12 education and the media convincing women to prioritize careers and themselves over a husband and parenthood....

Can you smell the thick foul green odor of Materialism, the Marxist/Club of Rome god?

... A person with no one to feed and nothing to protect (or protect them) will happily form a close, intimate bond with their “community” or their “government.” And, crucially, will obey their dictates without complaint....

Yes, indeed.  That would be Obama's "Julia."

We often run across people of A Certain Age who are clearly unhappy with the fact that they have few, or zero, grandchildren.  They are obviously pained at having to speak about "grand-dogs" or "grand-cats."

Pray harder.

1 comment:

  1. There is hope for the culture! Look at this resistance!

    Satanic’ pro-abortion statue beheaded, University of Houston officials cry vandalism

    The sculpture 'Witness' by artist Shahzia Sikander, a horned figure with tentacle arms meant to honor pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, lost its head during Hurricane Beryl in what University of Houston officials say was an act of deliberate vandalism caught on video.
