Saturday, July 13, 2024

Carnak the Magnificent: "$75 Trillion"

 The question in the envelope was:

"What is the value of natural resources in Russia?"

Now, then.  Is it more clear to you why the US seeks "regime change" in Russia?  Could a number of US corporations want to get their hands on $75 Trillion?  Legally, of course.  With a more cooperative regime, of course.   Money-laundering sharing the profits, of course. 

But that damned Putin has to get out of the way.  So if that means that if the US empire has to sacrifice a few hundred thousand Ukranians in order to dislodge Putin, well......or if the US empire has to create another Color Revolution in Hungary to swat this peace-mongering mosquito Orban, well......

$75 Trillion.

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