Friday, July 19, 2024

Car "Pops" Up--a Lot. It's BidenFlation

In the Good Old Days, we referred to repossessions as "pops."  The bank "popped" the car.

We've noticed that there are a lot more "asset recovery" tow trucks out and about in SE Wisconsin, and there's a reason.

...the overall number of car repossessions has increased by 23 percent over last year. Not only that, but the current repossession rate has even eclipsed pre-pandemic levels, with 2024 sitting about 14 percent higher than 2019 repossession numbers....

That last line is important.  

MS-NBC thinks this is a sign of a recession.  Maybe.  What it certainly is is a sign of loosey-goosey car lending practices, such as rolling remaining debt from a trade-in into the loan for a new car.  In effect, that makes the borrower pay for TWO cars, not just one; and in most cases, that means they're "underwater" from the get-go.

BidenFlation also plays a big part.  Groceries are up 30% in the last 4 years and rent is not far behind.  What may have been a "do-able" payment in '22 is no longer "do-able," if you like eating regularly and sleeping under a roof.

So Thanks, Joe Biden!!

And may the predator lenders eat s**t.

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