Tuesday, June 18, 2024

War With Russia? Or Replace Biden? Hmmmmm

It's a truism, although not a perfect one, that Wartime Presidents get re-elected.  So it is in Biden's interest to get into a war with Russia over the Ukraine.  (It's also in the interests of US-based mineral miners, the mil-industrials, and construction companies.)

But that presents a problem for the "Replace Biden" crowd, which, according to rumor, includes Hildebeeste, Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi. 

If Biden finds a way to get into war, he is a Wartime President. Should that above cabal kneecap a Wartime President?

And if they do that, who's his replacement?

Brylcreem of California?


Tony Evers?

Stretchin' Gretchen of Michigan?

If Trump wins, he and Putin will be on the phone pronto and they'll settle that Ukraine hash in a day or so.  That'll give Zelenskiy enough time to pack up his jewelry, cars, and crypto accounts and get the Hell out of town ahead of the lynch mob.

Popcorn time, if it weren't a nuclear war......

1 comment:

  1. Zionist targeting Christians again!!!!

    Catholic parishes in Lebanon suffering as country sucked into Israel-Gaza war

    ......The Catholic parishes of southern Lebanon are in an increasingly precarious position as violence spills across its border as a result of the war between Israel and Hamas.

    Lebanon’s Islamist Hezbollah Party supports Hamas, which has led to a series of Israeli attacks on Hezbollah-controlled areas in Lebanon. Daily rocket fire is taking place in southern Lebanon, which borders the north of Israel. Areas near the Israeli border are particularly affected.

    Ten Catholic parishes close to the Israeli border, and which make up almost the whole of the Maronite Archdiocese of Tyre, saw an exodus of people as the conflict in Gaza escalated. Now, about 70 per cent of parishioners have returned.

    Maronite Archbishop Charbel Abdallah of Tyre told Aid to the Church in Need (CAN) that most of the people who fled and went to Beirut or further north “have now returned home because they were short of money and the little houses of their relatives who took them in did not have the capacity to accommodate so many people”.

    He noted, however, that the parishes of Alma el Chaeb and Quzah remain “nearly empty, because they lie entirely in the areas of the air strikes; a large proportion of the houses there have been completely destroyed.”

    He added: “We find ourselves in a state of war.”.......

