Thursday, June 27, 2024

Walgreen's To Create 'Drug Deserts'

 Seems that Walgreen's has problems.

Pharmacy chain Walgreens announced Thursday that it would close a significant number of its U.S. stores, after cutting its full-year profit outlook.

While the company did not disclose how many stores it plans to close, it said it will close many underperforming stores across the country to optimize operations. The closures will also focus on stores too close to other Walgreens stores or those struggling with theft.  --WaTimes quoted at Ace of Spades.

Yes, well, 'struggling with theft' has a connotation.

The Presstitutes will report this as "Walgreen's Creates Drug Deserts"--making it the fault of Walgreen's.

Of course.

1 comment:

  1. I’m pretty sure there will still be lots of available drugs, maybe just not Pfizer brands.
