Thursday, June 06, 2024

Tucker and GKC on Klaus Schwab and Vandalism

What Tucker has to say about Schwab (and his ilk) is not really a surprise.

What's interesting about Schwab is the number of Our Betters who follow him around with their noses stuck right up his butt as though he were some sort of guru.

Chesterton saw right through Our Betters 100+ years ago:

The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything.

....even something as vapid as Schwab.

By the way, Tucker missed the call at the end of the clip.  He points to the wanton destruction of the accomplishments of the West (art, buildings, justice, etc.) all of which is inspired by a jealous rage, and states that 'it's the oldest thing there is--its all vandalism.'

Well, it IS the 'oldest.'  But it started with Cain's murder of Abel which also sprung from jealous rageMurder is part of their heritage and toolkit.  Don't forget that.

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