Monday, June 03, 2024

Truths Which Are Fitting to Print

Surber fires several rounds of artillery.  Here are a couple of them:

...we must expel New York from the union and demote it to territory because the state has deteriorated into a shell of a Western government unworthy of being a state. Its election interference is inexcusable. Albany’s government is a cancer on the nation’s politics which Congress must remove....

 ...It will set a precedent? Good. A national divorce is not the worst outcome. Live free or be stuck forever with California.

More immediately, the Biden administration must learn from New York’s error — the verdict bolstered the prospect of Trump’s re-election — and drop all charges against him. The American people do not support this vengeance-seeking by Obama who remains offended over that birth certificate, which he never produced....

Better than a full-bore revolution, but if that's what it takes........


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