Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trump Tariffs = Increased Prices? Nope.

 Trump mentioned implementing tariffs as an offset to reducing taxes.  

"Economists" immediately trotted out and declared that raising tariffs will automatically increase prices you pay for every.  damn.  thing.


Funny that the last time Trump did that, consumer prices stayed stable.


Note that energy prices dropped.  That's because Trump unleashed all the domestic energy sources as fast as possible.  In contrast, Biden shut down a large pipeline project and has reduced oil-and-gas-leasing to a bare minimum.  He has also forced utilities to reduce reliance on cheap, reliable, gas & oil generation in favor of expensive, UN-reliable windmills and sun-catchers.  That drop in energy prices was a major driver of overall price stability.

Another driver?

...Notice how food prices had very low year-over-year inflation – 0.5 percent.  That is a combination of two key issues: low energy costs, and the fracturing of Big Ag’s hold on the farm production and the export dynamic...

 "Big Ag" consists of a few very large players in the agricultural-goods market.  Think Cargill, General Mills, Archer-Daniels-Midland, etc.  They have significant influence on commodity pricing because they have significant exporting capacity.  Since price depends on supply, reducing the domestic supply of (say) corn raises its price.  How to reduce supply?  Export the stuff.  It also helps when the Feds control acres-planted through their various "help" programs and Big Ag "helps" the Agriculture Department determine those allocations.

...President Trump’s trade reset was disrupting this process.  As farm products were less exported, the cost of the food in our supermarket became reconnected to a ‘more normal’ supply and demand cycle.  Food prices dropped, and our pantry costs were lowered....

Remember this:  generally speaking, what Trump wants to do is good for YOU, not Big Ag, not the military-industrial complex, not the "renewable power" grifters.  (His stance on the FBI is a glaring error.)

Also remember that if you pay enough, you can get "economists" to say anything.  Just like how Big Pharma operates--and with the same results.

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