Thursday, June 06, 2024

They Have Video of Hannity With.......

 You can fill in the blank above.

Hannity interviewed Trump.  Cutting to the chase:

...Hannity’s line of questioning sparked outrage among many conservative viewers who felt Hannity was being too lenient on the Biden regime’s DOJ.

One user, Vince Lagman, voiced his frustration on social media, writing, “Listen to that snowflake Sean Hannity trying to get the guy facing 94 fake indictments to agree not to hold Biden Gestapo DOJ accountable when he gets back in office. Cowards like Hannity are exactly why Democrats have no fear of retribution!”

Another user expressed discontent: “What the hell is wrong with Hannity??? Every day he whines about the corruption of the Bidens and other Dems… And how there is a two-tiered justice system… And Now He Wants Trump To Go Easy On Them if Elected??????”...

Easy-peasy answer, folks:  the FEEBS have video of Hannity that he doesn't want seen.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats are seriously asking people to believe that Trump’s second term would be much much worse than his first term, but that Biden’s second term would not.
