Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Screaming Lie from Biden/Evers

They throw complete lies in your face and expect you to believe them.

An ad run by a Green Goddess bunch (Jay Inslee) has this to say about the Biden/Evers sun-catchers:

“Your home value goes up and your energy bill goes down.”


WE Energies admitted that their Green Projects have increased electric bills by 15% over the last few years.  You noticed, unless you're dead or not bothering to pay the bills.

Then there's this one:

 [The ad] focuses on solar projects, which the ad says will power 750,000 homes in the state.

WE Energies shows off a 2,000-acre suncatcher farm west of Madison, and their spokescritter tells us that those 2,000 acres 'will provide power for 90,000 people.'


So there will be another 16,000 acres of sun-catchers?  No, they don't work at night, and no, they don't work on cloudy days, and.........are they impervious to hail?  Tornados? 

And how much will they add (not subtract) on your power bill?

Don't ask.  It's lying season.


  1. History Repeats: arrogance has a cure……

    Remember the invincible Spanish Armada defeated by the English?

    US Eisenhower almost sunk

  2. How twentieth century to think manned aircraft still control the airways, and being manned they need a place to land, especially on the ocean.

    I’ve read speculation the USS Eisenhower, in service since 1977, could somehow serve as a tripwire for the US if it was destroyed. A justification for escalation, as if the Neocons needed one.

    Our win at any cost deep state could view the loss of an aging and nearing obsolescence carrier as an acceptable gambit. A Bishop goes down to create a better pathway to attack the King. Row, Row, Row your boat gently up the sea, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily welcome world war three.
