Thursday, June 27, 2024

SCOWI's Bloodthirsty Witches Must Move Fast

 The trend toward 'leaky court gnomes' continues, now in Wisconsin.

...the Wisconsin Supreme Court has reached a decision to hear an original action brought forward by Planned Parenthood to "find" a right to abortion in the Wisconsin state constitution.

The draft order was leaked to media outlets. This has become a concerning trend in our legal system particularly surrounding decisions on abortion, and we support the investigation to uncover these efforts to undermine the court....
"Original action" means that the suit will begin and end in SCOWI, not with the typical circuit court-to-appeals-court-to SCOWI path.  Planned Parenthood wants SCOWI's bloodthirsty witch majority to discover a 'fundamental' right to abortion in the Wisconsin Constitution--which does not have that "right".  IOW, the SCOWI witches will have to invent that right.

There's a reason for going with 'original action'an election for a SCOWI slot is coming up in April of '25.  If an actual jurist--rather than another bloodthirsty witch--wins, it's game over for the baby killers if they use the typical, time-consuming path.
Satan doesn't have much time and he knows it.

1 comment:

  1. Abortion is their 50 year propaganda campaign to normalize the killing of unwanted human beings. They have also move on to euthenasia and sterilization through "trans" procedures.
    This all leads to eliminating their political opponents. Elected Democrats and candidates now openly call for re-education of Republican and Trump voters.
