Sunday, June 16, 2024

Registering Women for Draft IS in the NDAA Senate Version

 These are what passes for Senators in today's US.  As usual, Sundance has the story--which you will NOT hear from your local Presstitutes.

Requiring women to register for Selective Service (ie, the draft) really is a part of the 2025 National Defense Reauthorization Act that has been assembled in the Senate. ... order for this to be in the print version of the Senate bill, the Senate Armed Services Committee had to vote to approve it.  Repeat that sentence if needed.  The Senate Armed Service Committee, meaning every member on that committee, had to support the change to make women register for the draft....

And which cretins are on that Committee?

 ...Rob Wicker (Mississippi), Deb Fischer (Nebraska), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), Jodi Ernst (Iowa), Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Kevin Cramer (North Dakota), Rick Scott (Florida), Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma), Ted Budd (North Carolina) and Eric Schmitt (Missouri)...

Some of them pretend to be Real MenSee, e.g., Cotton, Mullin, Fischer, Ernst, and Tuberville.

The rest?  Detritus in D.C.


  1. Remember these names!

    GOP MEMBERS (Detritus) OF THE SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE HERE – Rob Wicker (Mississippi), Deb Fischer (Nebraska), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), Jodi Ernst (Iowa), Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Kevin Cramer (North Dakota), Rick Scott (Florida), Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma), Ted Budd (North Carolina) and Eric Schmitt (Missouri) are all members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    How many of these idiots are going to try and run away from their construct by saying they didn’t know this was in there?

    No serious country in the world would force women into war.

  2. If your Country is being run by Zionist Warmongering Genocidal Depopulationist that are hell bent on reducing the population by any means necessary than of course women are on the menu

    What better way of sterilizing the woman by death vaxing them in the military?

    I told you the other day we are down from 40K to 45K in military recruits because people realize the moral decay of our so called betters!
