Friday, June 28, 2024

Local Nooz vs. National Nooz on Debate

Interesting contrast.  The locals (4, 6, 12, 58) ignored Senile Joe's horrific delivery, mumbles, and bumbles, to yap--instead--about the issues.  6 brought in a reliable Lefty who created a 'black/white' take, which was a little different but he ignored the obvious, too.

In contrast, Bloomberg has already bailed out of the Joe camp due to his obvious dementia.  The Daily Mail shellacked Biden:

An exclusive poll for found that a clear majority of independent voters believe President Joe Biden should no longer be the Democratic nominee after a car-crash debate with Donald Trump.

Some 62 percent said he should be dumped from the ticket. 

Biden looked all of his 81 years on Thursday night as he repeatedly lost his train of thought and meandered into silence....

 ....and the Daily Mail is not a MAGA outfit.

Why did the locals avoid the obvious?

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