Sunday, June 09, 2024

Insulin at $35: TRUMP Did That

 The Left lies.  They lie all the time.  They lie about every. damn. thing.  

Here's another example of the LeftPress doing exactly that.  CNBC runs this sub-headline:

Former President Donald Trump recognized that the price of insulin is lower under President Joe Biden but still tried to take credit for it.

What CNBC wants you to think is that Biden lowered the price and Trump is trying to steal the credit for that.

But the story contradicts the sub-head (surprise!!)

...For Trump’s part, the former president signed an executive order in the last year of his administration to issue his own $35 price cap on insulin. Biden later paused that policy when he took office as part of a larger freeze to allow his administration to review new regulations set to go into effect....

Biden was installed and cancelled Trump's insulin-price drop.  The price of insulin went up.  Then Biden re-issued the orders using the Inflation "Reduction" Act.

The Left-Lies are all over the place out there, and the camp-follower "news" reporters are happy to print them.

And they wonder why their readers/subscribers are going away.

1 comment:

  1. Pocahontas taking credit for it in one of her latest TV ads. Pants on fire!!
