Saturday, June 22, 2024

Horrible Milwaukee Shooting, With Silly Remarks!

We mentioned a horrible Milwaukee shooting that occurred in Washington Park on Juneteenth Day at a "peace" celebration.

The shooter was out on $750.00 bond for a charge of felon-in-possession (of a gun.)  $750.00 is loose change for a gang-banger who is probably retailing drugs and/or guns out of his car.

That means that he already had a felony conviction before he was picked up for the felon-in-possession, right?


So he's a felon, has a gun, and a horrible Milwaukee court loosed him on the streets for $750.00

Now for the silly remarks:

"The major issue here is kids that have guns," MPD Chief of Staff Heather Hough said.

Nope, Heather, you dumbass.  The major issue here is the HORRIBLE MILWAUKEE COUNTY COURTS.  That "kid" wouldn't have a gun if he were in jail awaiting trial, would he, Heather?

There's more!!

... The Office of Community Wellness & Safety Director Ashanti Hamilton, as well as [Alderman] Spiker, also proposed having the Medical College of Wisconsin put a study together to see how this incident can be used to prevent violence from happening in the future....

Let me do the "study."  Send me the $100,000 you'll spend on this misbegotten waste of tax money, because here is the solution:


There.  I'll wait for your check.

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