Saturday, June 01, 2024

Festa Steps Into It

"Dr." Jill Biden showed up at Festa Italiana yesterday and gave a speech.

When you examine all the TeeVeee stations' coverage, you note that the camera angles were tight so that the crowd looked large.  But look harder; there may have been 500 people there, but most likely it was in the 300+ range.  IOW, nobody cared to show up.

Festa defends the appearance of Biden's wife in a campaign season by mentioning that Scott Walker showed up one year.  He was the Governor of the State.  They also mention a couple of other pols--NONE of which were there in a campaign year.

Finally, they pushed the line that Biden's staff invited themselves and "Dr." Jill.  

That, dear reader, is a defensive move.  It's defensive for a reason:  they know they Stepped Into It right up to their knees.

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