Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Did DPI Rig the $250 Million MPS Referendum?

Well, well, well.

The #2 in Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction, Sachin Chheda, was a loud cheerleader for the $250 million Milwaukee Public Schools' (successful) referendum.

And Chheda, #2 in Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction, knew that Milwaukee Public Schools was delinquent in its financial reporting to DPI.

All at the same time.

Emilee Fannon (a lefty) asked that #2 creature about it.  Watch the wiggler do the fork-tongue dance:

...Why not disclose this information that DPI had about MPS before a $252 million referendum went to voters?” she asked him on video.

“I am going to be honest. I think that’s a fair question,” Chheda responded.

“I don’t think in March as you were leading up to the referendum that it was clear that they were as behind as they were. So what I would say is yes there was a report due in September. Yes, there was a report due in December,” he said.

“It is not particularly unusual for that December deadline to be missed a little bit, right, so going into March, knowing that we needed to kind of have more frequent conversation as we said in the letter. We were talking to them I think at that point weekly. It’s not fair to suggest that DPI knew that the scale of the problem is what it is, you know, two months ago. We’ve been learning on a daily and weekly basis where we’re at, and we’re engaging in a deeper, deeper level.”...

For a Lefty, Chheda doesn't lie very well, does he?

The obvious question:  did Chheda/DPI cover up the missing reports so the referendum would pass? 

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