Saturday, June 15, 2024

Crenshaw Cries Himself a River

 The article here is rather polite about Crenshaw, calling him "insufferable."

Actually, Crenshaw is a POS who plays on his Purple Heart and fools a lot of people with it.  Of course, you may want to live without a Fourth Amendment, or without the $100 BILLION++ that Crenshaw sent to Kiev's bureaucrat pensioners and the Marvelous Tropical Island Housing account of the Zelenskiy Governing Racketeers.  If that's the case, then Crenshaw is your man.

Why is Crenshaw's nose out of joint?  Because he didn't get appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).  

Why is that?  Because Speaker Johnson actually did something right:  he took Trump's advice and appointed Scott Perry (R-PA) to the slot.  Perry is--for the time being--not compromised by the Three-Letter Insubordinates; he may actually do some good on that Committee.

But then, it''s D.C.; they'll make up some story to get him outta there.

Meantime, screw Crenshaw.

1 comment:

  1. One hopes Crenshaw can be lanced like a boil and the puss drained.
