Thursday, May 09, 2024

This Is NOT "Free Speech"

The 60++ arrests at U of North Carolina/Charlotte were not for "speech."  And as you might expect, you didn't and won't hear the reality from the "press."

...In recent days, members of this group and others have caused damage to Polk Place, broken into academic buildings after hours, propped doors open to locked buildings, torn down barricades, pounded on windows and attempted to push through officers to forcibly enter South Building, hit police and other vehicles, thrown furniture in front of police vehicles injuring officers, entered classrooms during finals to cause disruptions, taken down the American flag flying over Polk Place twice, and thrown water bottles and fluids at University workers, police and administrators....

That's a release from UNC/Charlotte administration quoted at RedState.

Two years of incarceration BEFORE trial seems apropos, no?

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