Monday, May 13, 2024

Green Bay, the Dirty-Election City

It's Green Bay, so 'another Chicago' will not catch on.  It cannot be both the city of St. Vincent Lombardi, the Packers, AND the dirtiest election practices in the country, can it?

Yes, it can.  And--aside from the scale difference between Chicago and Green Bay--it is.

Kittle has the story.

The honest clerk was squeezed for objecting to the meddling (chicanery?) of a New York schemer with a hyphenated name:  Spitzer-Rubinstein.

The replacement clerk, who was the Mayor's right-hand assassin, did not know Wisconsin election law and didn't give a flying damn, either.

This was not "Oops."  This was straight-up election fraud.

But the '20 was 'the cleanest election in the history of the universe.'


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