Thursday, May 09, 2024

Disraeli's FBI

Disraeli was said to be the man who invented the "Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics" phrase which certainly applies to the FBI.

In summarizing its violations of the Fourth Amendment, the "statistics" side of FBI lying came out:

...The FBI first began disclosing statistics about its use of the surveillance tool in 2021, a year in which the bureau claims to have searched U.S. phone numbers or email accounts 2.9 million times, according to WIRED. Since 2021, the FBI has changed how it counts Section 702 searches, and it now discloses the total number of unique searches; for example, five distinct searches of the same phone number would count only as one search....

Ah.  So they may have searched your phone calls on 5 different occasions, but that only counts as "ONE" because, seeeee.......ahhh.......gabblefarctitionous........(insert BidenBabble here)........

Yah.  That's real clear.  Bottom line:  they're lying.  Again.

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