Sunday, May 19, 2024

Chair, Joint Chiefs: US Troops in Ukraine "Inevitable"

 This is the Biden policy.

In a major escalation of the US-NATO war with Russia in Ukraine, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown told the New York Times Thursday that the NATO military alliance will eventually” send significant numbers of active-duty NATO troops to Ukraine, which the newspaper said meant the deployment was inevitable.”

In asserting that NATO sending troops is inevitable,” the Times means the decision has already been made, and all that is being awaited is the determination on how best to announce the escalation to the public.

Brown’s statement that NATO will send troops to Ukraine, after US President Joe Biden categorically ruled out such a move because it would lead to World War III,” continues the pattern: Every time the White House has said it would not do something in Ukraine, it has subsequently done it....

In order to secure the re-election of Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants, the Establishment (D and R) has only two options:  either declare some sort of "national emergency" which will include deferring the election OR declare war--a move which has generally worked to keep an Administration in power.


1 comment:

  1. no one wants to join the Military to fight and die for Jew wars in the middle east and the Ukraine

    FJB Lets go Brandon

    Christians dont kill Christians
    if they do, they are CINOs

    Palestinian insider shares the grim truth of what’s happening to Christians in Gaza
