Monday, May 27, 2024

An Appreciation of Tom Wolfe

 After reading Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities, your perceptions change; or if they don't change from a natural skepticism/cynicism, they are re-enforced.  And Wolfe nailed it, again and again.  Here he is, essaying on the Intellectualoids, quoted in an essay from Kevin Roche at The Healthy Skeptic:

...Susan Sontag the priestess of moronity, who is white wrote, Wolfe notes, “the white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone–its ideologies and inventions–which eradicates autonomous populations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the existence of life itself.”  Sound familiar?  This was written in 1967 and after 55 years of corruption of higher education this is now all students are taught, and it is leaking down to K-12 education as well.  As Wolfe said, “(Sontag) was hellbent on illustrating McLuhan’s line about indignation endowing the idiot with dignity, but otherwise she was just a typical American intellectual of the post-World War II period.”

Wolfe goes on, “Marxism may be dead and the proletariat has proved to be hopeless….But we can find new proletariats whose ideological benefactors we can be–women, non-whites, put-upon white ethnics, homosexuals, transsexuals, the polymorphously pervers, pornographers, prostitutes…..trees–which we can use to express our indignation toward the powers that be….to keep the flame of skepticism, cynicism , irony and contempt burning.”  Judith Butler, the insipidly insane dean of gender ideology makes an appearance in the essay as well.  How astoundingly accurate and precise Wolfe’s description of this despicable class of American academic intellectuals remains to this day, only amped up by one hundred times....

In only a couple of grafs! 

Far more can be found at this link; it's the complete essay from Wolfe on which Roche comments.  Wolfe is devastating, to say the least.


  1. Susan Sontag wasn't "white" she was Jewish.

  2. Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews of Lithuanian[5] and Polish descent.

  3. Judith Butler was born in Cleveland, Ohio,[8] to a family of Hungarian and Russian Jewish descent.[9] Most of her maternal grandmother's family perished in the Holocaust.[10] As a child and teenager, she attended both Hebrew school and special classes on Jewish ethics, where she received her "first training in philosophy.

  4. Marxism is the quintessential 'white' philosophy, rising from German and English roots to bestride the world. Even more than the colonialisms it confronted, it sought to replace the existing native systems with its own universalizing conformity about how they, all, ought to believe and behave. In a similar way to how the West made 'white' out of Italian and Irish and German and Norwegian and Spanish etc., Marxism sought to make a new man that was exactly the same wherever you went.

    As usual, it is guilty of everything it condemned in others.

  5. Father of communism: Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, Prussia; he was the oldest surviving boy in a family of nine children. Both of his parents were Jewish………
