Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Cdl. Gregory Slams Biden (!!)

We have not stood in unalloyed admiration of Cdl. Gregory, and for good reasons.

But the Cardinal knows a spade--and calls it--when he sees one.  The question is "Why?", and we also have an answer, below.

...Cardinal Wilton Gregory slammed President Joe Biden on Sunday for being a “cafeteria Catholic,’’ picking and choosing what doctrines he wants to believe in; he cited the president’s support for “abortion rights” and transgender “visibility” as examples....

The Cardinal then pulled his punch:

 ...“I would say that he’s very sincere about his faith,” the cardinal stated. “But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts.”...

 No, he's not "sincere," and you damn well know it.  He uses "his faith" in an attempt to fool people into thinking that he has some sort of moral center.  That's the M.O. of a lot of politicians.

But at least the Cardinal put it on the table.  He's undoubtedly feeling the heat from Cdl. Mueller's call to excommunicate Biden and is sending the telegram.

Think they'll go to Ex-Com?

Don't hold your breath.


  1. Its hard to find positive things to say about this cardinal when he is trying to kill the best part of the church. - Greg

    Cardinal Wilton Gregory suggests the Latin Mass will die ‘a slow … bloody death’
    Washington's Cardinal Wilton Gregory insisted that Pope Francis' intention in restricting the Latin Mass is 'to complete what Paul VI began, that is, to put one ritual – the new rite – as the dominant rite.'


  2. As far as slamming Sponge brain , you should read John Zmirak, here is the link


  3. Wilton would do better to let Biden know that with his diminishing mental capacity, he soon will not have the ability to make an act of contrition, and all we will be able to do is to watch him fade away into Hell.

  4. AA Cunningham4/02/2024 10:07 PM

    Chicomm Joe The Grifter is also an unrepentant adulterer violating the Sixth Commandant with Jill Stevenson nee Jacobs since 1975.

  5. Sin makes you stupid. -Greg
