Sunday, March 17, 2024

What You Do NOT See About Musk

A lot of people were jubilant about Musk's takeover of Twitter after it became clear that Twitter was a "private company" fronting for the national-intelligence bunch which spies on Americans.

Well, then, .....

...Elon Musk signed a $1.8 billion contract in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) to launch a system of orbiting surveillance satellites....

 According to the report, “if successful, the sources said the program would significantly advance the ability of the U.S. government and military to quickly spot potential targets almost anywhere on the globe.”...

"Almost anywhere" includes the US, of course.

Sundance's question:  "When, exactly, did Musk buy Twitter"?

Gee.  The deal was iced in October '22.


  1. been arround since the ole days you ranted and raved about MusK being a "TAX Sucker"

    Vox calls this taking the Ticket and Musk is not the Richest man in the World as it is not his money, he just another asset that is owned. Musk is planned oposition.

    back in September 2014 you posted

    ......Since battery power has been politically deemed to be “sustainable power”, SolarCity and Tesla intend to manufacture huge “battery farms” in states like California that can be recharged at low electrical rates and then receive fees from utilities as stand-by power sources, regardless if the battery power is ever used.
    Tesla, SolarCity, and SpaceX are headquartered in California. As CEO, Elon Musk successfully led lobbying for each of these companies to receive huge amounts of government subsidies from the state. Having proved that he is the best CEO at getting subsidies from California taxpayers, Elon Musk seems to have chosen to switch where he is building his new factory to Nevada in order to avoid being a taxpayer........

  2. Never retracted my tax-sucker charge; it's still true.

    His super-spying op is what he must give his masters.

  3. Another interesting take that worth a read - Greg

    Elon Musk Goes to Canossa

  4. The "Tax sucker" comment was a way of speaking truth to power and it stuck in my mind. American taxpayers are getting screwed royally by these gangsters. Our govt has been hijacked.
