Wednesday, March 27, 2024

One Way or Another, They'll Get Your Guns

Below we mentioned Section 702, which has been used to spy on every American that The Regime does not trust or like.  Their gabblefarkel about "foreign" spying is just that:  gabblefarkel, which is translated "Bullshit."

But just in case that fails, there's a brand-new backup plan!!

...“transforming” a country from within gets a whole lot tougher when its patriots are armed. So, what’s a tyrannical, evil regime to do? Well, naturally, they whip up a handy-dandy “center” and begin zeroing in on dissenters. And that’s exactly what Biden’s regime is up to. 

In a blatant drive to transform American citizens into shameful informants for the government’s “brown shirts” by encouraging them to snitch on neighbors, friends, and family, the Biden regime has, without Congress’s approval and in total violation of the US Constitution, established a “Red Flag Center.” This move is aimed at spying on “we the people” and infringing upon our Second Amendment rights through the use of civilian spies. It’s a ballsy step to bulldoze Americans’ constitutional freedoms and disarm us, literally and figuratively. This alarming “center” is set to be illegally run by Biden’s politicized DOJ, targeting anyone viewed as a political dissident....

What they tell us is that this Center will co-ordinate and facilitate "red flag" actions and laws--the laws set up to remove guns from people who "are a threat to themselves and others" due to some (deliberately) vague definitions.

What they do NOT tell you is that this Center will co-ordinate and facilitate gun confiscations no matter one's 'mental condition,' because they will act to confiscate (or to facilitate same) based on the 'testimony' of anyone that you are 'a danger.'  That could include a PO'd neighbor, an ex-wife, or just a born liar who decided to screw with you for shits and grins.

Wisconsin already has Chapter 51.  It is not draconian enough for Biden's standards, so watch SCOWI "repair" it in the near future.

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