Saturday, March 16, 2024

MIke Gallagher's Odd Friends

Gallagher is quitting Congress.

Maybe his Israeli pals have a much more lucrative job for him?

Gallagher wrote and pushed the "TikTok bill."  He advertises it as a blow against Red China.  But in reality, the bill allows the President (really, the 'intel' bunch) to decide who is allowed a Web presence.  And guess who is lining up to purchase TikTok?

...Not only are Zionists trying to buy TikTok now, But the dude who brought the bill [Gallagher] is majorly supported by AIPAC In the 2022 election cycle AIPAC was the TOP CONTRIBUTOR to Mike Gallagher’s campaign, giving almost DOUBLE the next highest contributor....

It is .....curious........that AIPAC is so invested in a Congressional district in NE Wisconsin, no?  

New York City, Chicago, New Jersey, LA/Hollywood, or Las Vegas, yes.  But Sturgeon Bay?

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