Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Jeffrey Tucker Has It Right

Jeffrey Tucker is a Libertarian-ish Catholic social-economic thinker.  Here he essays about "Corporatism" (which is a word a friend of mine was using 10 years ago) to describe the situation.  He mentions that this is the real Fascism as envisioned and practiced by Mussolini.

...I recall the days of thinking government would never catch up to the glories and might of the market itself. I wrote several books on it, full of techno-optimism.

The new tech sector had a libertarian ethos about it. They didn’t care about the government and its bureaucrats. They didn’t have lobbyists in Washington. They were the new technologies of freedom and didn’t care much about the old analogue world of command and control. They’d usher in a new age of people power.

Here we sit a quarter-century later with documented evidence that the opposite happened. The private sector collects the data that the government buys and uses as a tool of control.

It’s determined by algorithms agreed upon by a combination of government agencies, university centers, various nonprofits and the companies themselves. The whole thing has become an oppressive blob

But it's hardly 'just the tech firms.'  The quashing of consumer choice (remember that??) has spread to Big Pharma through its servants in CDC/FDA.  In other areas, Government is the master:  EPA rules Big Auto, EPA/FDA/Dept of Ag rule over Big Ag (smashing Little Ag in the process); the Fed, FDIC, and Comptroller rule the banks while Lizzy's Fed Reserve-Embedded "Consumer Protection" czars rule other credit-granters......etc.

But the big game is the info game.  If the Feds have an interest in you, they can and will know everything about you through your phone and browser.  Friends and families are not exempt, either.  Further, the Feds have 'plants' inside each and every social comms outfit; those 'plants' actually will fabricate a "you" for the Feds to persecute when they want to.  Don't believe that?  See this story.

This is what Jim Sensenbrenner voted for and what Bush the Dumber gleefully signed.

And  you thought Republicans stood for small government, eh?  Dumbass.

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