Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A Well-Earned Lawsuit

Let's get right to it:

As RedState noted..., not only did Stephanopolous attempt to victim-shame Mace over her support of Trump, but he also mischaracterized legal findings against Trump, stating that "judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape." ...

That is flat-out untrue.  And after being corrected a few times, Stephanopolous (a strident defender of a REAL rapist, Bill Clinton) continued to use the line that Trump 'was convicted...'

So Trump is suing Stephanopolous and ABC News, his employer.

From the filing:

...“These statements were and remain false, and were made by Defendant Stephanopoulos with actual malice or with a reckless disregard for the truth given that Defendant Stephanopoulos knows that these statements are patently and demonstrably false,” Trump’s attorney, Alejandro Brito, wrote in the 20-page complaint.

“Indeed, the jury expressly found that Plaintiff did not commit rape and, as demonstrated below, Defendant George Stephanopoulos was aware of the jury’s finding in this regard yet still falsely stated otherwise,”....

There is no specific amount requested for damages, but we think Trump should ask for $454 million.

Have Disney/ABC write the check to the NY Attorney General.

1 comment:

  1. 700 million

    7 is a nice biblical number
