Friday, February 16, 2024

Think Killing FISA Is a Solution?

Wauck, having been a FEEB, knows this stuff very well.

...A lot of people think that FISA is what gave the FBI the authority to conduct electronic spying on American citizens. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that, in case after case—although none at the SCOTUS level—the federal courts have held that “wiretapping” for national security purposes is fundamentally different than in criminal cases and does require a warrant, despite what the 4th amendment might lead you to think. Those cases are still law. All FISA did was to establish some hoops for the FBI to jump through. In reality, the FBI was all for FISA because it was the perfect CYA law. As long as they followed the administrative procedures they knew that they would never get in really big trouble. And the Russia Hoax proved that they were right. Way back in 1976 Judge Robert Bork warned that that would be the outcome, and he was right, too. FISA, in a sense, preempted the SCOTUS, preventing it from settling the law. For political reasons the SCOTUS is afraid to take this on. But please trust me on this, failing to renew FISA might very well not change the situation, except to bring the whole issue back into court. Maybe that would be good, but maybe not. I haven’t heard anyone seriously address these issues....

OK, then.

Defund the FBI.

Do NOT miss the rest of Wauck's piece.  He quotes Bongino extensively, who is remarking on the (not-really "new") revelation that the Mar-a-Lago raid was set up to cover the asses of Obama/Biden and the entire US intel apparatus.

1 comment:

  1. Killing the FBI and prohibiting it’s fired employees from ever holding employment in government will be a good start…..
