Sunday, February 11, 2024

Franny1's Next Heresy

You knew this was coming.

"Italian theologian and religious Linda Pocher has confirmed that Pope Francis is in favour of the diaconate of women. As reported by the Spanish portal "Religion Digital" (Friday), the Pope is "very much in favour of the diaconate for women", according to the Don Bosco sister, who teaches Christology and Mariology in Rome."  --Maike Hickson

Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI both ruled that a woman in Orders is impossible.  That is, the Church does not have the power to ordain women, either into the Diaconate or the priesthood.  

The gambit here is to ordain to the Diaconate, a 'harmless' move, citing the historical references to "Deaconesses" and hoping that nobody actually looks it up.  Yes, there were "Deaconesses", but they were NOT ordained; their function was to provide works and goods of charity to widowed and single women and families.  Very specific, very limited, and very much needed, as putting men into that sort of position could produce 'morals' problems.

Instead, we got a Pope with 'morals' problems, if you consider heresy to be a moral issue.  And it is.


  1. Keep up these great posts!

    I like it when you put that foot on the neck and keep it there!

  2. He's not the pope.
