Monday, January 15, 2024

Bishops Play Semantics Games Because You're Stupid (?)

 Several border-area US Catholic Bishops issued a series of demands which--they say--will "fix" the illegal alien problem.

That's consistent with the semantics games the Bishops used following the issuance of 'Perversia Supplicans' which works like this:

First, the Bishops underline the only positive:  that the document keeps the Church's definition of marriage intact.

Second, they ignore the obvious sacrilege of issuing a blessing to couples (throuples??  quadthrouples?) living in flat-out immoral relationships.

They think you're stupid.

So with regards to the illegal immigrants, same recipe!

...“Governments must create laws that include both a secure border and a humane immigration policy. We do not encourage illegal or undocumented migration, but rather we advocate for legal avenues for migration,” they said....

Their faux-piety is nauseating.

First, they say that they 'do not encourage illegal/undocumented immigration.'

Second, they ignore the fact that they are spending millions to house, feed, and transport those very same illegals throughout the US.  And to add insult to injury, they then bill back their expenses to the US taxpayers, their children, and their grandchildren, who are already paying $5,000/immigrant in VISA cards, welfare/TANF, and serious civic dislocations (e.g. Chicago, Whitewater, WI., and NYC.)

So the Bishops contend that they do 'not encourage' exactly what they do encourage by offering the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

They really, really, really think you are stupid.

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