Sunday, December 31, 2023

Trump Begins to Whore Himself Out

 A couple of items in today's news.

The FBI Headquarters should not be moved to a far away location, but should stay right where it is, in a new and spectacular building  --Donald Trump

“I'm going to indemnify through the federal government, all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions against crime.”  --Donald Trump

Two panders which are totally disgusting.

He still has the Real Estate Developer mindsetborrow all you can, spend all you can, and if you go bankrupt, that's somebody else's problem.

Yah, well, that "somebody else" is us, Donald.  And yes, you learned that from Paul Ryan, but still......

N.B.:  There is no current (R) primary candidate who seems better than Trump overall.  That's at least partially due to the fact that Trump does not require the support of the RNC, nor the Chamber of Commerce.

Back to that Real Estate Developer thing--which is shared by almost every Member of Congress.  Dave Brat has a couple of truly scary observations:

Has it ever occurred to these Keynesian boneheads that when it comes to the endless accumulation of debt that there may come a state of diminishing returns? Or that more debt today ensures less jam tomorrow? Once the dollar was cut loose from its anchor to gold in 1971, however, it was off to the races. Collective income or GDP is now 2,300% higher, while collective debt is up by 5,600%. Accordingly, the US economy’s leverage ratio has soared to 357% as of 2022. $53 trillion of incremental EXTRA debt burden that would not have existed at the pre-1971 leverage ratio. That is to say, the current aggregate US debt level would be $41 trillion, not $94 trillion.

Yes, Virginia, your dollar buys less.  A LOT less, even from the slave-labor plants in the Far East.

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