Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Joe Cunningham, Uninformed But Talking!

The RedState blog has always been more than a little NeoCon/Swamp, although they made a valiant effort to keep that under a bushelbasket when asking for money.

But they can't really help themselves, can they?  It comes oozing out like the rancid fat it really is.

Here's Joe Cunningham, failing to make an argument against Sen. Vance:

...[Sen. Vance] reiterated that he believes “there will be negotiation” and Ukraine should be willing to give up at least some of its territory to end the war, which began in February 2022....

High Dudgeon Mode ensues!

... ceding land to Russia serves Russia's best interests, and as Russia is a geopolitical foe of the U.S., it seems odd that helping Russia achieve its goals would be in America's best interests....

Cunningham hopes that you are so damned ignorant that you forget the reality:  the US does not have any compelling interests in Ukraine (nor Belarus, nor Kazakhstan.....) at all.  His argument is based on a false premise, but please!!  Don't look behind that curtain!!

He soldiers on!

 ...Russia wants nothing less than Ukraine as, at best, a vassal state that the Kremlin controls. No real autonomy, no real power to make decisions for itself, and it's pretty clear that Putin will accept nothing less....

Like it has been since Katherine the Great, back in the 1700's, Joe?  That's some 250 years.  You NeoCon twits like to pretend there was no world before Irving and Billy Kristol, but there most certainly was one, and it didn't fit your criteria for American Empire.  Too bad, so sad, Joe.

His final volley:

...It almost seems as though Vance wants Ukraine to be punished for daring to be invaded. It's bizarre....

No, Joe.  Ukraine should be punished for about 20 years of corrupt payments to American legislators, for allowing...........ahhh........certain parties.........to establish bio-weapons plants, and for thinking that American NeoCons were honestly going to protect Ukraine.

And for shooting off their mouths about becoming 'members of NATO.'

One more thing, Joe.  There are plenty of AR's available at your local gun store.  Buy one, get some camo, and ship yourself over there to show Putin who's boss.

Putin's probably having night sweats just thinking about that.


  1. SInce you think Russia should get Ukraine back, I assume you want the US to rejoin England? Seriously, the Ukrainians are fighting intensely AGAINST being incorporated into Russia. Do you think they all deserve to be forced to accept Russian overlordship?

  2. Maybe you should learn history. Start with the CIA/NeoCon overthrow of the DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT of Ukraine in 2014.

    Get back to me after you've read up on that.

  3. One more thing, "Karen."

    You, too, can operate an M-4 and buy camo plus a ticket to the front lines!

  4. Karen,

    No American should die fighting in wars in Ukraine or Israel or any other shithole. We should not spend a cent there as we are Bankrupt as a nation. Again to reiterate Dad’s Most excellent suggestion please buy a rifle and camo and go fight and die there yourself.

    Further The office of President was stolen in the last election and Americans will not fight for a fake president who allows an invasion of our own country on the southern border

    Please do us all a favor by fighting and dying in someone else’s war, it will increase the national IQ once your gone


  5. Karen
    Go fight the unwinnable war!
    Nothing is stopping you!

    Global War Roundup, Mostly Russia, But Also Poland, Palestine

