Friday, December 01, 2023

Franny1 Sends "Visitors" To Argentina

They are not "apostolic visitors."  They are death squads.

...Francis and his Vatican have targeted yet another holy prelate of the Church. According to InfoVaticana, a Spanish-language outlet in Spain, Bishop Nicolás Baisi of the Diocese of Puerto Iguazú in Argentina “has been notified by the Dicastery for Bishops that in December, he will receive a fraternal visit as a result of some news received by the Holy See questioning the pastoral governance of the diocese.”...

 ...Bishop Baisi used to serve as an auxiliary bishop under Archbishop Hector Aguer who is an outspoken critic of his fellow Argentinians running the Vatican, namely, Pope Francis and LGBT advocate Cardinal Víctor Fernández, the prefect of the DDF. It is widely speculated that Baisi’s close relationship with Archbishop Aguer and his shared denunciation of the heretical “program” coming out of Rome is the reason for the visitation....

Apparently Franny1 didn't get the hint when he suddenly contracted the flu/pneumonia.

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