Saturday, December 23, 2023

Fox6 Anchor Utter Fail on Re-Districting

Anchor-ette Stephanie Grady allowed Mordecai Lee to define the terms and the grounds surrounding the "redistricting" debate touched off by the radical-Left Wisconsin Supreme Court majority.

How did she blow it so badly?

Simple.  She didn't ask Lee (a highly partisan Democrat) how he would resolve the single most significant re-districting problem:  how to maintain 'contiguity',  'population equality' and 'communities of interest' when only Milwaukee and Dane counties supply the vast majority of Democrat votes.

Lee, unchallenged, trotted out the hard-Left talking point that 'Wisconsin is a purple State but has a Republican legislature and that's just NOT FAIR.  NOT FAIR!!!  WAAAAAAHHHH!'

Grady should have mentioned the Milwaukee/Dane Axis of Democrats.  But she didn't, so Lee--having defined the terms and conditions--rattled on about "fairness."  IOW, Lee out-gamed Grady.

What Lee and the other radical-Left college-professor-wonks really want is to supply Milwaukee and Dane counties with 50 or more of the 99 legislative districts and 17 or more of the Senate districts.  Lee pretended otherwise, asking only that each district have roughly equal numbers of (R) and (D) voters.

But there is no 'community of interest' nor 'contiguity' between Allenton and the City of Milwaukee or Wauwatosa, nor even between River Hills and Milwaukee, any more than there is a 'community of interest' between the UW campus-housing area and Cross Plains, Pine Bluff, or Roxbury.  So how  would one draw the lines?

Grady lost her chance to put Lee on the griddle; perhaps that's because Fox6 didn't want to lose Lee as a source; perhaps because of East Side camaraderie, or perhaps because Grady simply was not prepared.

Too bad.

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