Sunday, November 19, 2023

Windmills? You Get Global Warming, Too!!

What a joke these damn "electric generating" windmills really are.

...since the wind would get sucked out of the air, surface temperatures would rise by about 0.24 degrees Celsius, with an up to 1.5 degree Celsius increase at night....

You read that right.  Windmills give you Global Warming!

But there's even more good news!

...[A Chinese firm's] contract with Norwegian Hydro Energi requires that Markbygden provide a fixed amount of electricity at a fixed price for 19 years. When the wind doesn’t blow, they still have to provide the contracted amount of power, at the contracted cost, regardless of the price they pay on the electricity market to cover the shortfall. The result is that Markbygden’s forecasted expenses far exceed revenues, and the company has been experiencing large losses for several years....


As Moonbattery's author describes the windmills....

... As for the actual point: they are boondoggles. Their function is to launder taxpayer money to pay Democrat donors, thereby creating a massive return of investment for political contributions. This form of graft was pioneered by Joe Biden’s mentor and probable primary handler, Barack Obama. Under his administration, 80% of Department of Energy green energy loans reportedly went to his donors, confirming that the not only useless but pernicious DOE must be abolished at once....


If so, you are too stupid to vote in any election, including for dogcatcher.

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