Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Jay Weber's Hero, McCarthy

Gotta hand it to Weber:  when he's not shilling for his trips to 'fabulous, exotic, almost-sold-out' wherever, he's pounding the Paul Ryan lines about Matt Gaetz, who took out the trash only a few weeks ago.


Yah.  Jay Weber's hero, "Trash" McCarthy, turns out to be a typical playground bully.

...Matt Gaetz has officially filed an ethics complaint against Kevin McCarthy after the former Speaker ASSAULTED Rep. Tim Burchett today at the US Capitol According to Burchett, the attack was a “sucker punch” and “a clean shot to the kidney.”...

Jay's kinda guy.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie Sykes
    Jay Weber

    When will the next "conservative" talk host show us who is really is...
