Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Climate Frauds: Scaring You Since 1990

The professional fraudsters in the climate cartel (windmills, solar, EV's) have been scaring the bejabbers out of you and your children since 1990.

Fraud?  Did I say "FRAUD"?


The federal government recently released its "Fifth National Climate Assessment" that was followed by such headlines as "The science is irrefutable" and "No place in the US is safe from the climate crisis."

However, some critics say the report's claims of above-average U.S. temperature increases use a questionable methodology and included authors who are outspoken climate activists and-or have ignored research integral to measuring disaster costs....

The claims that there are more BaZillion Dollar Disasters now than 100 years ago are not 'normalized' statistics.  Normalizing would show that there is less, not more, damage these days.

 ...The report spliced together data from temperatures of the continuous U.S. from 1880 to the present with a mix of data from Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other islands affiliated with the U.S. That trend line is then compared to the average global land and ocean temperature averages over the same period.

Dr. Ryan Maue, a meteorologist, argues on his X feed, this is not comparing similar datasets. Land is warming faster than the ocean, he said, so it’s misleading to compare U.S. average temperature to a global land and ocean average temperature....

These bullshit "assessments" and "facts" underlie Fuhrer Biden's crusade to eliminate gas stoves, rip out air conditioners and water heaters, and force you to drive golf carts masquerading as "cars."

So far, the Fraudsters have done wellHow long can the racket last?

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