Sunday, November 26, 2023

Are the FBI and CDC Working for Red China?

We have occasionally voiced displeasure with Cong. Gallagher (R-WI) but his current interest is in how Red China poses a threat to the USA and he's doing a bang-up job.

Once you read this story, you'll ask if it's the Chinese or the FBI/CDC which poses the greater threat to this country.

...Here we had a Chinese citizen who came to America illegally. He was fleeing a $330,000,000 judgment for intellectual property theft on behalf of the Chinese government. He set up this lab, and he was buying dangerous pathogens, [online] including Ebola,...tuberculosis, [and] HIV. So we have no tripwires in place, no safeguards in place, in order to prevent potentially a hostile actor from buying dangerous pathogens in order to damage America.

And then when the local officials found this, and it was all because a local and business building inspector saw a pipe sticking out of what was supposed to be an abandoned building, they called the FBI. The FBI said, well, we can’t investigate because there’s no ties to WMD, which is absurd, they called the CDC. The CDC hung up on them initially. ...

Well, we know what the FBI's priorities are:  moms who attend school board meetings to object to pornography readings to 6-year-olds, and Catholics who attend the Old Rite Mass.  Chinese Communist/illegal aliens who are trying to poison and kill Americans are NOT a priority.

As to the CDC:  has anyone discovered anything good about that bunch?  Ever?

Anyone?  Bueller???

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