Sunday, November 12, 2023

Answering Vox Beale

 Following the Fag-Flaggery now obvious in Rome, Vox asks: the non-sedevacantists can bring themselves to defend this observably wicked man, whose actions are obviously reprehensible even in the eyes of heretics and pagans. And if the satanic rainbow flag is flying over Rome, in what sense have the gates of that particular church not fallen?...

Part OneWho's defending him, aside from other fag-flaggers?

Part Two:  the Church is far, far, more than the Pope and several Cardinals, as proven by Her history of persevering throughout all sorts of Papal and Cardinalature ........ahhh........shenanigans.  That is to say:  the Church has not fallen, but some of Her 'leadership' has.  We (the rest of the Church) expect these things to happen, although we pray they don't--at least in our time.

This is 'Why Prayer', Vox.



  1. "you are peter, and on this rock I will build my church"

    Your response to vox days criticism is completely inadequate. Shows lack of understanding of what the doctrine of the papacy is. Excusing what is going on by suggesting the pope is not the church is truly whistling past the graveyard.

    Conclusion... Even objective Protestants can recognize that bregolio is no Pope.

  2. claim to recognize ignorance while displaying elephant-size doses of your own.

    What is "the doctrine of the papacy" in your alleged mind?
