Thursday, October 05, 2023

Why Trans Surgery? ObamaCare.

No, I didn't know this either.

ObamaCare forces insurers to pay for "sex reassignment" (tranny) surgery.  (Go to 20:00 on the video for the discussion.)

Another reason to thank Paul Ryan and the drunk who preceded him--along with McConnell!!  They REFUSED to strike ObamaCare when they had the House, Senate, and Trump in the President's slot.

So next time you see Paulie-Girl on the street, make sure you give him the appropriate greeting.

1 comment:

  1. REFUSED? The “republicans” refused to overturn ObamaCare when they had the opportunity because they had ZERO plans prepared when that opportunity arose. When the target presented itself for the kill, the “republicans” not only forgot to load their guns, they realized they didn’t even have weapons. Oopsie! Aw Shucks.

    They did, however, have John McCain armed with a vote.
