Monday, October 23, 2023

The U.S. Low-Trust Society

 Z-Man is not an Israel enthusiast; we'll skip past all that to get to the part on which is indubitably correct.

...the reputation of all public people has collapsed due to their constant lying and tolerance of obvious lies. All the people chanting “Death to Gaza” are people who sat quietly while their fellows told outlandish whoppers about Trump, his voters, white people, Covid and many other topics. Many of these people have enthusiastically held abhorrent positions.

A good rule of life is to assume that people who lied to you in the past are lying to you in the present and they will lie to you in the future. The public square has been so polluted by official lies and people willing to repeat them in public that many people now assume everything is a lie. If Ben Shapiro was happy to lie about Covid, why would he be telling the truth about Israel? Why would anyone accept what the Biden administration has to say about anything at this point?

This is an underappreciated aspect of what happens to people when they transition from a high trust society to a low trust society....

We remind you that the ONLY prominent Wisconsin Republican who warned us about the Lying Campaign of Covid was Ron Johnson.  None of the others had either the guts or the smarts to inform themselves and their constituents about the murderous Fauci and his even-more-murderous Pfizer co-conspirator.

We remind you that there are only a handful of Republican State officials who agree that there was more than a little vote fraud in the '20.  The rest?  Well--they're going to be good little boys and girls and let Robin tell them exactly what to think and do.

We remind you that ZERO prominent Wisconsin Republicans have uttered a peep about the inhumane and un-Constitutional treatment given the "insurrection" prisoners.  We don't expect them to approve of rioters; but how can they sit by and watch people rot in prison for three years before their trial begins?  Hmmmm?

Low-trust leads to serious consequences.  Don't agree?  

Check out the number of gun sales in the last 2 years or so.

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