Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Empire's Outposts Under Attack

According to Posobiec, numerous small attacks against US military outposts in the Middle East are co-ordinated and connected, and the Biden Regime is doing its best to keep it quiet.

According to Statista/WaPo, there are a lot of available targets (map dated 2020 below).  

This raises the question "What the Hell do we need all that for?"  To keep 'China Mitch' McConnell safe in Kentucky?

1 comment:

  1. They need to come home and sit their fat overpaid asses on the southern border to stop the invasion, or they can ditch the USA flag and raise the Israeli flag

    Did you know that their are especially fat greedy soldiers that have retired not once but twice and are back again working on a third retirement? They are self appointed experts at everything……except of course winning wars but they are exceptionally good at bleeding us dry….and keeping secrets
