Sunday, October 29, 2023

Real Cost of EV Fuel? A Helluva Lot.

Happened to be thinking about the 'hidden costs' of the infrastructure as we drove past several windmills today.  (There was a wind, so you could turn on the teevee!)

Anyhow.  Those hidden costs are friggin' enormous.

The complete costs of "fueling" an electric vehicle for 10 years are $17.33 per equivalent gallon of gasoline, a new analysis from the Texas Public Policy Foundation says.

The study authors say the $1.21 cost-per-gallon equivalent of charging a car cited by EV advocates excludes the real costs born by taxpayers for subsidies, utility ratepayers for energy investments, and non-electric vehicle owners for mandate-and-environmental-credit-driven higher vehicle costs, which they say total $48,698 per EV. Those costs must be included when comparing fueling costs of EVs and traditional gas-powered vehicles, TPPF maintains....

"Well, that's Texas", you say.  "They're a petroleum producer, right?  Whaddya expect?"

Granted.  But Toyota doesn't produce petroleum.  They produce hybrids, which apparently are a damn good alternative:

...Toyota estimates that the batteries from one EV can power 90 hybrids and reduce emissions 37 times more than that one EV. ...

The actual math--which is not too hard--is found at the link.

Somebody is making money here and it ain't us.

1 comment:

  1. Electric EV Demand is nose Diving and all Automakers are killing EV Too! Update from Steve Bannon with David Walsh Energy Consultant
